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Development Type: 

Energy Recovery Facility

The city council owns and operates through a third party contract a 210kt Energy Recovery Facility (ERF). The council also supplies third party waste through a range of public sector and commercial contracts and takes a significant proportion of the benefits of power generation. The council also secures an income through metals recovery and disposal of ash.


The current operating contract ends March 2030 with an option to extend to 2032 when the plant will have reached the end of its useful economic life. The new operating contract, recently procured, will see the ability to meet increased local commercial waste disposal needs through revised shares of available capacity. Investment and active management by the council has seen availability achieved between 91% and 94% which is exceptional for a plant of this age.

Opportunity – Plant replacement post 2030

The city council is to procure a 240-300kt replacement facility for operation post 2030 for an anticipated 40 year operating life. The plant is to be constructed on the current site adjacent to the current facility and the council is seeking direct investment along with itself into the new facility.

The new procurement will be for a plant that will be fully CHP enabled, have enhanced emissions controls and have future CCUS designed in. Planned District Heat Network and Energy (Power) contract options provide commercial opportunities for local utilisation and optimal economic benefits. Future planned works in support of the council’s energy strategy also provide opportunities to exploit Hydrogen electrolyser and EV fuelling stations for fleet operators.

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